We are now open for public enrolment!

Start your journey as a Service Leader right away:

Learn the Science of Service – the psychology that drives great experiences for customers and employees.

These popular courses include informative, actionable content based on easy to follow frameworks that are applicable whether you serve customers or colleagues locally or internationally. After completing a final quiz, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from the University of Victoria’s Gustavson School of Business.

Two courses are available for public enrolment:

Level 1: Ace the 3Rs

$65 plus GST

This one hour online course shares the foundation of great service and includes a copy of Mark Colgate’s accompanying textbook: The Science of Service: The Proven Formula to Drive Customer Loyalty and Stand Out from the Crowd.

Your team members will learn that

  1. Service quality in the eyes of the customer can be summarized in the 3Rs: be Reliable, be Responsive and build Relationships.
  2. Recommendations are driven by great service, not good service.
  3. TOFU (Taking Ownership and Following Up) is the most important discipline in service.

Level 2: Moments of Power to Elevate the Customer Experience

$155 plus GST

This 4 hour online course identifies 4 Moments of Power that make a difference from the customer’s (and colleague’s) point of view.

Each Moment of Power summarizes findings in social psychology, behavioural science, psychology, neuroscience as well as business and applies them to service interactions.

Participants will learn to recognize these Moments of Power and how to apply them to consistently deliver on the 3Rs.

The four Moments of Power are:

Moments of Power #1: Context – You will recognize that human behavior is sensitive to and strongly influenced by its environment and other conditions that help (or hinder) people to understand the situation they are in.

Moment of Power #2: Expertise – We rely on people who appear to be experts as they tend to have superior knowledge and wisdom.

Moment of Power #3: Relationships – We want to do business with companies that demonstrate they like us. “Liking” starts by being reliable, being responsive and then building strong relationships.

Moment of Power #4: Problem Handling – Problem Handling starts by encouraging and listening to customer feedback. It becomes more effective by using the right process, right interaction and right outcome. This chapter also analyses the Service Recovery paradox – the fact that customers may be even more loyal after the organization has solved their problem.

Key take-aways:

  • “Context” is shaped by culture, our biases and mindsets.
  • Why expertise is so important and how to build expertise proactively.
  • How to build professional relationships through great conversations, “going first” and having the right mindset with every customer.
  • How to make problem handling more effective and increase customer loyalty.

Level 3a: Develop a Service Strategy – Create a Service Organization that Shows Results

$179 plus GST

Welcome to our first of three manager courses: The goal is create systems that deliver great customer experiences consistently

  • Develop your Service Strategy in 3 steps:
    • Diagnose – do a SWOT of your current customer experience
    • Choose your CX Strategy
    • Execute
      • Create a Roadmap to roll out execution
      • Share the 3Rs with your team

Level 3B: Make Service your Advantage by Building a Strong Service System

$71 plus GST

Welcome to step two of our three manager courses: The goal is to build the Systems that allow you to execute the strategy. Systems will include operational processes, HR practices and processes, incl. team and individual scorecards. At the end of this step you will have prepared the ground for a customer-centric service culture.

  • Customize the implementation roadmap
  • Build your service system
  • Learn how to enhance your customer-centric culture

Level 3C: Coaching for Better Performance

$179 plus GST

This online training is part of UVic’s Service Leadership Program: Level 3 – Building a Strong Service System.

Recognize the Power of Coaching and how to use Coaching as a leadership skill

If you have a coach or if you coach someone, that is a great start. Key to success will be to build a system or program around coaching to create a coaching culture.

By embedding Coaching you will create the communication lines and feedback loops that are needed to tie together your service strategy and individual contributions. If consistently done across the organization, you will create a more flexible organization built on a growth mindset and elevate service.

For group registrations

Call or email Lindsay at 250-472-4036 or lmfitter@uvic.ca

The Canadian government supports this training. Apply for a job grant