Lead with a healthy, engaging, and sustainable impact in a complex world

This course will help you increase self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and deepen a focus on developing others. It will provide you with frameworks to help you build trust within your team and organization and ensure your team are continuing to invest their energy in helpful directions. The topics covered will also help you be more effective at understanding and resolving complex issues and provide you with a structure for working through complex conversations.

This workshop is designed to help new and experienced leaders have a healthy, engaging, and sustainable impact in a complex world. It focuses on the dynamics that lead people to invest their energy in building resilient work relationships and fostering high levels of accountability and commitment.

Key learning objectives include:

  • Learn how you can actively build an empowering organizational or team culture and increase the probability that team members will invest their energy in the goals and objectives of your organization.
  • Learn the intricacies of trust and the 3 questions that people use to decide to invest trust in leaders.
  • Learn the skills of emotional self-management allowing leaders to remain clear and level-headed amid daily pressures.
  • Learn how to recognize manage your inferences and those of people around you and reduce the likelihood of conflict.
  • Learn how to talk through complex issues in ways that promote commitment and accountability.
  • Learn how to prepare for and lead complex one on one conversations.

Part 1: The context of your leadership

    • What is organizational or team culture all about and how you can shape it.
    • A new definition of leadership success
    • The dynamics of trust: How your day-to-day choices build or undermine trust

Part 2: The internal disciplines of a trustworthy leader

    • How our brains create subtle traps
    • How to manage your emotions when thing get tough
    • How to manage your voice to balance power

Part 3: Managing your impact and engaging others

    • The conditions that drive trust and engagement
    • Dealing with differences using DIALOGUE
    • The power of great questions

Part 4: Difficult conversations:

    • How to wisely address issues while building collaboration and workable solutions.
    • How to prepare for tough conversations.
    • The flow of tough conversations.
    • The outcomes of tough conversations
  • New leaders will learn the skills and concepts to build a strong foundation in people leadership.
  • Current managers will learn frameworks and skills to help them adjust to a changing workforce and maintain higher levels of trust and commitment.
  • Senior leaders will learn strategies to build effective cultures and frameworks they can use to coach other leaders.
  • Project leaders will learn about the intricacies of keeping team members focused and the skills to defuse difficult situations before they escalate.

Course tuition for the Self Managed Leadership course includes:

  • All Course Materials and Certificate

Fee: $1,395 ($1,464.75 (plus GST)

Team Savings:

  • Save 10% per registrant with a group registration: 3 or more people from the same organization registering at the same time.
  • Seating is limited so register today! Please fill out the online registration form and select 10% group discount as the payment option.

*Discounts cannot be combined with any other discount or special offer.


A full refund can be issued for written cancellations received a minimum of 21 days before the program start date. Cancellations received with less than 21 days’ notice will be refunded less a $200 administration fee.

Chloé Norman

In her creative approach to facilitating Chloé finds delight in giving people the tools and courage to see things through a different lens, leading to new innovative solutions and behaviours. Having grown up alongside a family-run leadership development, coaching and training organization, Heart of The Matter, Chloé’s commitment to develop people runs in her veins. Heart of the Matter helps to integrate positive change and build healthy, collaborative and productive organizations through their custom virtual and in-person consulting, training and coaching. They help leaders, teams and organizations leverage their successes and multiply their results. Since her career in adult education began in 2011, she’s reached thousands of employees in new leadership positions through programs she has designed for some of North America’s top tech and telecom companies, to name a few. Chloé has shared ideas and facilitated invigorating conversations
with groups from retail, local government, long-term care and lots more, spanning topics from leadership fundamentals, emotional awareness, negotiation and photography. One of the highlights of her career so far is having the privilege of working closely with Michael Bungay Stanier, author of The Coaching Habit, a Wall Street Journal best-selling book on coaching. Chloé holds a certificate in Teaching Adults from George Brown College and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from York University, concentrating in photography. She feeds her sense of curiosity and adventure by exploring nature with her son and her dog, finding thrifted treasures, growing her indoor plant collection and snapping photographs along the way.

Project Management Professional Development Units (PDUs)

Earning your PMI certification is a big step, maintaining it doesn’t have to be. Attendees to this program are entitled to 14 Professional Development Units (PDUs) from the Project Management Institute (PMI) ® upon completion. PMI, PMBOK and PMP are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, In

Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC)  Professional Development Hours (PDHs) 

Attendees to this program are entitled to 14 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) verified by the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC).

I thoroughly enjoyed taking the course Self-Managed Leadership as part of the Managing and Leading in Municipal Environment with Mark Norman. Although I had previous knowledge of some of these management concepts, Mark presented the content in a way that was not only engaging but brought forth new streams of thought. I am sure I will use the learnings from these modules to help me better manage my team and help to create the positive culture we all strive towards as a corporation. Mark provided great insight into the topics discussed with real world examples while also ensuring we had open discussions. It was great to be able to take this course with colleagues across different municipalities and sectors. I appreciate what I will be able to take away from this opportunity.

I came away not just intellectually appreciating but deeply feeling and understanding that my personal growth and development is my leadership development. This has given me fresh thinking re: my goals as part of the LEADS framework used in my organization’s leadership and performance development.

I have participated in a variety of leadership training opportunities over the last 6 years and Marks’ Self-Managed Leadership program has been the most impactful on my leadership development journey. Mark’s delivery of the concepts, along with tools and techniques to implement into our daily work was refreshing, and helpful. I appreciated focus in understanding and managing ourselves to better lead our teams

Definitely good content, Mark knows this subject well and is a good instructor