ISIBM Instructors
Award-Winning UVic Faculty
Without exception, the presenters are highly qualified experts in their fields, with extensive real-world international experience.
All ISIBM Faculty are regular MBA and BCom lecturers.
Dr. Linda Hui Shi
Dr. Linda Hui Shi is an Associate Professor at the University of Victoria where she teaches International Business. Linda has published in numerous scholarly publications: Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Journal of International Marketing, International Business Review, and Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, among others. She is a winner of IMR Best Paper Award in Academy International Business 2011 Conference and former winner of the ISBM Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition for her dissertation proposal about global account management capability.
Dr. Mark Colgate
Dr. Mark Colgate is a Professor (Service Excellence) and past Associate Dean at the Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria, Canada. His primary research areas are services excellence, financial services marketing, and sports coaching. His research has been published in journals such as: Sloan Management Review, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research and Journal of Business Research.
Prof. Brian Leacock
Brian Leacock has been the Associate Director of GSB International at the Gustavson School of Business since 2004. Leading a dedicated team, he supports the internationalization of the faculty, including management of international partnerships (104 partners in 43 countries), international student recruitment and integration, and dual degree development. Brian enjoys a role as Teaching Professor of Business Communications with an emphasis on understanding and navigating our globalized world.
Dr. Sara Elias
Sara R. S. T. A. Elias is an Assistant Professor at the Gustavson School of Business and a Research Associate of the Center for Psychosocial Organization Studies. Sara’s research interests include creative entrepreneurial processes, entrepreneurial imagining, arts entrepreneurship, aesthetics in organizations and entrepreneurship, strategy and entrepreneurship as practice, and qualitative methodologies. Her teaching interests are in entrepreneurship, strategy, organizational behavior, and organizational theory.
Dr. Sudhir Nair
Dr. Sudhir Nair’s research interests coalesce around firms’ international strategy. His current work involves examining how firms internalize new knowledge that they receive. In particular, he has been examining the role of external management consulting service firms to better understand why firms hire these professional service firms and how this interaction adds value. Prior to pursuing his PhD, Sudhir had 15 years of experience in large corporations (Citibank) and entrepreneurial entities that he founded.
Dr. Brock Smith
After his graduation, Dr. Smith worked for IBM Canada in a variety of sales and marketing positions in Vancouver and Calgary. He completed a PhD in marketing from the Ivey School of Business where he won the international 1992 Academy of Marketing Science doctoral dissertation award. Brock joined UVic in 1991 and teaches marketing and entrepreneurship courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive program levels. He has served as Director of the BCom program, champion of the hospitality management program, and is currently champion of the entrepreneurship program.
Prof. Christian Van Buskirk
Christian Van Buskirk, assistant teaching professor at Gustavson since 2014, brings over 25 years of experience in marketing, tourism, and customer experience management. Recognized for teaching excellence in 2020, he teaches marketing and management across undergraduate and MBA programs. Recently, he has focused on sustainable tourism education and serves as North American representative on a UN-supported PRME project, developing resources to teach responsible business management.
Dr. Yan Shen
Dr. Yan Shen is an Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria. She is working on a global careers project with many researchers from around the world. The first phase of her research is based on interviews with individuals from eleven different countries and three careers – nursing, business and blue collar work. Another of Dr. Shen’s projects focuses on expatriates – those people who leave their home to live and work in another country. Dr. Shen’s research on expatriates and cross-cultural careers won her the Best International Paper Award from the Academy of Management, Careers Division.