3Rs: The overwhelming importance of reliability
In 2016 the Harvard Business Review published a wonderful paper based on the results of research on more than 10,000 U.S. consumers about their perceptions of nearly 50 U.S.-based companies. The authors had this to say about their main finding:…

The Power of Tight-Loose-Tight
One approach I always advocate for and one you might find useful in terms of employee success is what I call the tight-loose-tight approach, with coaching serving as the final tight. I strongly promote this approach in my consulting and workshops,…

The link between customer service and an athletic approach to coaching
There is a symbiotic relationship between customer service and coaching. The science of customer service, which is built around the 3Rs of reliability, responsiveness, and relationships, give us a behavioural framework in which to educate employees…

The biggest customer service mystery
How are you using the science of service to further your customer experience cause?
We lean on science for so many things. To help us understand the mind, we explore the science of psychology. To learn about body movement and posture we could…

Key drivers help strengthen employee engagement through coaching
As noted in a previous post, coaching is the only strategy that companies can deploy that simultaneously increases customer engagement and employee engagement. You can increase customer engagement by raising the abilities and the motivation…

3 ways to weaken the reasons to stop coaching
In last week’s wildly popular blog post, we looked at strengthening the reasons persevere with your coaching endeavors, with the main theme being all about motivation.
As I alluded to in my last piece, this post is all about convincing…